Thursday, July 11, 2024


Sometimes the biggest mistakes of your life can turn into an opportunity to learn and grow and to never make the same mistake twice. I imagine all of us have made many mistakes throughout our lives. Some worse than others. Some with worse consequences than others. Some we continually make. Some we don't know how to stop making. Let go of that image that perfection is attainable. Maintain that mantra that progress is possible. Progress towards the person you want to be. A long time friend of mine recently had gone through some troubles with her husband. She stuck to the mantra of "I can't do this or that cause I have to be the mom, I have to be perfect...." She has said this several times to me over the last few weeks. Usually it is in parallel with drinking a bottle of wine, alone, in her bedroom; while her husband takes the couch somewhere else in the house. I said, "why don't you go out with one of your girlfriends? go get something to eat or drink or just go for a walk....I can't, I have to be home, I have to be the Mom." It was like a record on repeat. Due to his mistakes, she felt that being at home was her only option. It just made me feel sad for her; he had done what he wanted for years, but she feels the need to never leave home and drink alone in her bedroom. We can't be perfect. We're human, we aren't meant to be perfect. We are meant to make mistakes, we are meant to learn from them.....we aren't supposed to punish ourselves for years and years. You get this one life to live.....let it go. 

You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don't have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success - none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here. - Ram Dass

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